Friday, June 29, 2007

First Night, 60th day of Insomnia

The Intenet is a very powerful tool that expands the creative mind to so many new possiblities; possiblites that open gates in which one would have never thought of. By becoming one with my peers in this big pool of social awareness, I am bringing to light the fact that life is not the same once you become part of the complex web of the Internet. In more than one way, the Internet is both our friend and foe, for it offers opportunities to a new outlook in life. Like the rituals of Buddhism, the Internet becomes a religion of no relgion. A doctrine in which the most powerful words are written at the most unexpected moments. Wth the aid of our life's teachings and those around us, we become better people. People that rely on the help of others to further the progression of both the individual self and the mass.

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